Interpretation of the Notice on Carrying out the Pilot Work of the Third Batch of Palliative Care


Recently, the General Office of the National Health Commission issued the Notice on Carrying out the Third Batch of Pilot Work for Palliative Care (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). The current interpretation is as follows:

1、 Background of Issuing the Notice

In order to improve the quality of life of end-stage patients with diseases, the National Health Commission has launched two batches of pilot projects for palliative care since 2017. Over the years, the national pilot areas for hospice care have established and improved policy measures, continuously deepened publicity and advocacy, continuously expanded service supply, and made positive progress in the pilot work. According to the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Strengthening the Work of Aging in the New Era" and the requirements of "steadily expanding the pilot work of hospice care", in order to further promote the development of hospice care, the National Health Commission continues to expand the scope of the pilot work of hospice care on the basis of the first two batches, and carries out the third batch of hospice care pilot work.

2、 The main content of the Notice

One is to determine the pilot areas. On the basis of recommendations from various regions, Beijing, Zhejiang Province, and Hunan Province have been designated as the third batch of national pilot provinces (cities) for palliative care, and 61 cities (districts) including Nankai District in Tianjin have been designated as the third batch of national pilot cities (districts) for palliative care.

The second is to clarify the pilot tasks. The Notice proposes four tasks, the first of which is to build a service system. By 2025, it is required to establish at least one hospice care ward in each pilot city (district) and county (city, district) of each country, and to set up hospice care beds in community health service centers and township health centers with conditions. A hospice care service system covering the entire pilot area and both urban and rural areas should be established. Secondly, improve support policies. Require the construction of a pricing system, exploration of payment systems, increased financial support, establishment of referral mechanisms, formulation of standards and regulations, and guarantee of drug allocation. Thirdly, strengthen the service team. Require the gathering of expert resources, the formation of multidisciplinary teams, strengthening education and training, and improving incentive mechanisms. Fourthly, carry out publicity and education. Require strengthening publicity and education for leading cadres, medical industry personnel, teachers and students, and the general public.

The third is to propose work requirements. Require strengthening organizational leadership, increasing work intensity, and conducting effective monitoring and evaluation.

Next, the National Health Commission will increase its guidance on the pilot work of hospice care, promote the implementation of four pilot tasks, and ensure the solid implementation of the third batch of hospice care pilot work.
